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Easy Menu Icons

Easy Menu Icons

If you want to customize your WordPress menu and make it attractive, WP Menu Icon is the best plugin. It offers a variety of icon font and color options, allowing you to effortlessly add icons from 8 different libraries, including custom icons, to your WordPress menu. It makes your site more dynamic and engaging for users.

Multiple Icon Library

Our plugin includes the most popular font icon types, such as Dashicons, Font Awesome Icons, Elegant Icons, Foundation Icons, Elusive Icons, Themify Icons, Fontello Icons, Generic Icons and Custom Icons.

Specific Icon Style

Using the Easy Menu Icon you can specifically change your icon color, icon size, icon spacing and icon position.

Globally Change Style

If you want to globally change your icon color, icon size, icon spacing and icon position then Using the Easy Menu Icon plugins is best for you.

Compare the Features of the
Free and Pro Versions

Feature NameFreePro
Icon Color
Icon Size
Icon Spacing
Icon Position
Font awesome Icon
Elegant Icon
Foundation Icon
Elusive Icon
Themify Icon
Fontello Icon
Generic Icon
Custom Icon

Do you want to upgrade to Pro Version?