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When is the best time to ask for a review for your online store

When is the best time to ask for a review for your online store? 

Running a successful online store is no easy task, especially when it comes to gaining trust from potential customers. One of the biggest challenges store owners face is getting customers to leave reviews, which can often seem elusive. Without those crucial reviews, it becomes harder to stand out in a crowded marketplace, leaving potential buyers hesitant.

The good news is, there is a perfect time to ask for reviews. When done correctly, you can seamlessly turn your satisfied customers into advocates, boosting both your reputation and sales. Want to know the ideal moment to make the ask and increase your chances of getting that glowing feedback?

Let’s dive into the best timing strategies that will get customers to hit “submit” on their reviews.

The best time to ask for a review for your online store

Timing plays a crucial role in ensuring that customers leave reviews for your online store. Here are the optimal moments to request feedback:

1. Right after a purchase

Once a customer has made a purchase, sending an immediate thank-you email with a gentle request for a review can work well. Customers are still engaged with your store, and the experience is fresh in their minds.

2. After the product has been delivered

A great time to ask for a review is after the customer has received and used the product. Send a follow-up email 3-7 days after delivery. This allows the customer to assess their experience with the product and provide a meaningful review.

3. Post-customer support interaction

If a customer reaches out for assistance and has a positive interaction with your support team, following up with a review request can be an excellent opportunity. It reinforces goodwill, as they’ve just experienced your brand’s customer care.

4. During special promotions or loyalty rewards

Offering incentives like discounts or loyalty points in exchange for a review during a promotion can motivate customers to take action. However, be careful not to make the review feel transactional or dishonest.

What are the best days of the week to ask for reviews?

When seeking customer reviews, timing can make a significant difference. The best days of the week to ask for reviews are typically.

1. Midweek (Tuesday to Thursday)

These days are ideal because customers are often settled into their week but not too overwhelmed. They’re generally more focused and likely to have the time to provide thoughtful feedback.

2. Weekends (Saturday and Sunday)

For some industries, weekends work well because customers may have more free time. This is especially true for products or services they’ve used over the weekend and feel fresh about reviewing.


The best time to ask for a review is shortly after the customer has experienced your product or service, ideally a few days to a week after delivery, ensuring the purchase is still fresh in their mind and they’ve had enough time to form a positive opinion.

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